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High Performance Fenders to Protect Any Vessel While it's in Dock. Designed and Manufactured Melbourne, Australia, Our Fenders are Built to Last.

Top 10 Reasons to Buy a Boat


Top 10 Reasons to Buy a Boat

Madelyn Mills

There is just something about owning a boat. The knowledge that you can pull up anchor and set sail to a new destination is a timeless, Australian dream. The team at Boss Marine are passionate about boating and have put together 10 reasons why you should stop thinking about buying a boat, and just get one!

  1. Reduce Stress

You may not know this, but scientific research has found that being in, on or under the water can make us happier and healthier. In today’s digital environment, we constantly find ourselves staring at screens, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Owning a boat helps you slow down, make connections with family and friends, and leave your anxiety behind.


2. Help you bond with family and friends

The best part of owning a boat is sharing it with your family and friends. Whether you are going on a fishing trip, enjoying water sports, or going sailing, your boat provides and excellent opportunity to get together and enjoy some time with your loved ones.


3. Great way to exercise

Boating is fun, there are no arguments about that! Having your own boat will offer you a wide variety of water sports – water skiing, scuba diving, swimming and fishing! All of these activities are a great way to get outdoors and burn some calories!


4. Explore new areas

When you own a boat, you get to explore many destinations that are not accessible without a boat - Secluded bays, tiny beaches or isolated reefs. It doesn’t matter where you visit, you know that going out to explore new areas will always be exciting.


5. Owning a boat is more affordable than you think

One common myth about owning a boat is that it requires expensive maintenance and upkeep. However, the truth is that modern boats require minimal annual maintenance. You can cut maintenance costs by trying to do the basics yourself, and go to a marine professional technician to keep your boat in the top shape.


6. Absolute relaxation

Owning a boat will give you that sense of peace when you are out sailing on the open ocean. Even if you are simply going to relax on the deck, sipping a drink till the sun goes down - It’s an ultimate relaxing moment. Bottom line, taking a boating trip can be whatever you want it to be.


7. Bragging Rights

One of the main reasons for having a boat (other than it being fun!) is the ultimate bragging rights. You’ll be everyone’s best mate because people love someone who owns a boat


8. Be part of a unique community

Owning a boat will make you get involved with the boating community and discover more things you can do on the water. The boating community are known to be a diverse and supportive group. No matter your occupation, age, or boat, when you’re out on the water you will share a common experience. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people will be beneficial in many ways, including making new friends and new learning experiences.


9. Learning new skills

Operating a boat requires you to learn various new skills. From boat handling, navigating the tides or even learning how to fish, owning a boat provides many fun learning opportunities. You know that mastering new skills will keep your mind sharp and learning about boating can stimulate your brain in a unique way.


10. Enhance your business image

Why not invite your clients or colleague to spend time on your boat? Discussing business or sealing a deal at sunset on your boat can add prestige to any transaction. It is certainly a unique alternative to normal client lunches or golf outings!


There you have it, our top ten reasons why you should buy a boat. With so many fun and surprising opportunities, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t own a boat!


Are you looking for Marine D-Fenders for your boat? Contact the Boss team today!