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28 Miles Street
Mulgrave VIC 3170

03 9561 2777

High Performance Fenders to Protect Any Vessel While it's in Dock. Designed and Manufactured Melbourne, Australia, Our Fenders are Built to Last.


Mechanical Testing

Compression/deflection and non-dynamic energy/work absorption testing
Compression/deflection and non-dynamic energy/work absorption testing


Compression/deflection and non-dynamic energy/work absorption testing of the Boss Marine fender range was conducted by an idependent laboratory that is accredited with the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) and complies with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025.

Testing was performed on 250mm long production samples using a calibrated electromechanical Universal Testing Machine (UTM) at a constant velocity compression rate of 40mm per minute and an ambient test temperature of 23°C ± 5°C.

Compression/deflection and non-dynamic energy/work absorption testing
Compression/deflection and non-dynamic energy/work absorption testing
Compression/deflection and non-dynamic energy/work absorption testing
Compression/deflection and non-dynamic energy/work absorption testing
Compression/deflection and non-dynamic energy/work absorption testing
Compression/deflection and non-dynamic energy/work absorption testing

To place an order please call Boss Marine Fenders (03) 9561 2777