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Our Top Fishing Movie Picks for Boating Lovers!


Our Top Fishing Movie Picks for Boating Lovers!

Madelyn Mills

Who doesn’t love a good movie? Especially when they feature your favorite hobby – fishing and boating! The Boss team have compiled a list of our favorite movies and TV shows for you to enjoy this weekend. So, grab your popcorn and settle in!

JAWS (1975)

Genre: Thriller/Horror

Let’s start the list with a classic. Not exactly about fishing or boating, but Steven Spielberg’s “JAWS” is a splendid motion picture that brings you a fright and gives you one or two nasty turns when you least expect them. As many probably know, the movie takes place over the Fourth of July weekend when a killer shark unleashes chaos on a beach at Long Island, and it’s up to the main characters to hunt the beast down. A famous opening sequence establishes the presence of a man-eating shark in the coastal waters; a girl goes swimming by moonlight and is dragged under, screaming – scary!

Watch YouTube Clip here:


Monster Fish (2009-2018)

Genre: Documentary
TV Series

Dive beneath the surface and discover some of the world’s largest fish! This documentary is about biologist Dr Zeb Hogan as he travels the globe on a quest to find the largest and fiercest freshwater fish. Through this series, Hogan isn’t only showing us many fishing methods to catch a giant fish, but he also wants the viewers to learn about these creatures, including where they live, what they eat and why many of them are in danger.

Watch YouTube Clip here:


Timothy Spall: …at Sea Trilogy (2010-2012)

Genre: Documentary
Trilogy Series

Who doesn’t know Wormtail from the Harry Potter series? Apparently, he loves sailing! Timothy Spall and his wife take their boat on a trip around the British coast on the trilogy programme: Somewhere at Sea, Back at Sea and All at Sea. Packed with breathtaking scenery and Spall’s self-deprecating humour, the series is perfect for any boating enthusiast.

Fun Fact: The Queen loves the series! The Buckingham Palace even asked the BBC for DVD copies of the first series. Initially the producer assumed it was a joke, however as it turns out they were serious – Her Majesty is indeed a fan!

Watch YouTube Clip here:


Adrift (2018)

Genre: Romance/Survival

What’s your worst nightmare when out boating? Well, Tami and Richards experience in 1983 would have to come close! Based on a true story, this film follows the couple as they face the most catastrophic hurricanes recorded in the history of the Pacific Ocean. With no hope for rescue, Tami must find the strength and determination to save herself and her fiancé. This film is a perfect balance between a survival drama and an emotional love story, which is portrayed beautifully by Shailene Woodley. This movie is highly recommended for people who appreciate a good romantic film that's based on a real-life event.

Watch YouTube Clip here:


Blue Miracle (2021)

Genre: Drama

Based on a true story, this surprisingly charming fishing movie will capture your heart. The film follows a group of kids from underprivileged backgrounds who team up with a boat captain for a chance to win a fishing competition to save their orphanage. The movie is packed with alluring ingredients – beautiful warm location, blue ocean cinematography, and an intense competition. If you love simple and warm-hearted films, then this would be your cup of tea!

Watch YouTube Clip here:


Thanks for taking the time to read our top boating and fishing movie picks! Have you got a favourite movie or TV show you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments below!

Just remember when you cannot go fishing or roam the water, the next best thing is to relax with one of our movies and tv show picks!


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